
Use Simulator to learn how to use your Fishfinder before taking your boat on the water. The Simulator is a v ery powerful tool that provides a randomly-updated display which simulates on the water operation.


We recommend going through thi s manual while using the Simulator, since all o f the m enus function a nd affect the display in the same way as they would in Normal operation. Any menu changes you make will be saved for later use.

NOTE: It is important to select Simulator manually from the Start-Up O ptions Menu a s o pposed to l etting th e Fishfinder enter Simulator automatically (as it will if a transducer is not connected and you do nothing during power up).

A message will appear often on the display to indicate Simulator mode.To exit Simulator, power off your Fishfinder.

System Status

Use System Status to view system connections and to conduct a unit self-test.

After you select Sy stem St atus from th e St art-Up O ptions Menu, pr ess the VIEW key to display the following options:

Self TestAccessory TestGPS Diagnostic ViewTo exit System Status, power off your Fishfinder.


Start-Up Options Menu