Surface Clutter

Settings: Low = 1 to High = 10; Default = 5

Surface Clutter adjusts the filter that removes surface clutter noise caused by algae and aer ation. The lower t he set ting, th e less sur face clutter will be displayed.

Surface Clutter




Settings: On, Off; Default = On

TVG (Time Variable Gain) adjusts the sonar returns on the display to show less clutter and more fish size accur acy. In o ther words, when TVG is On, a large arch on the display means a large fish has been detected.

When TV G is off , the Fis hfinder sh ows o nly the ra w so nar returns on the display. While the raw data may c reate more clutt er o n t he d isplay, it also reveals more arches and better jig tracking on the screen.


Sonar Menu Tab