Sonar Zoom View

Sonar Zoom View provides a magnified view of the bottom and structure. The Sonar Zoom View makes it easier to see sep arate so nar return s that would usually be displayed close together, such as t hose caused by fish su spended close to the bottom or within structure.

The Zoom Level, or magnification, is displayed in the lower left corner of the display. Press the + or - ZOOM keys to increase or decrease the zoom level.

The Zoomed View is displayed on the le ft side of th e screen. As the depth changes, the zoomed view updates automatically.

The Full Range View is displayed on the right sid e of the sc reen. The Full Range View includes the Zoom Preview Box, wh ich shows where the zoomed view is in relation to the full range view.

The Upper and Lower Depth Range numbers indicate the high and low range of the water which is being viewed.


Sonar Zoom View



Upper Depth Range,



Full Range View



Upper Depth Range,



Zoom View

Zoomed View





Zoom Preview Box



Full Range View



Lower Depth Range,



Zoom View

Zoom Level


Lower Depth Range,


Full Range View




Digital depth is displayed in the upper left hand corner. The digital readouts in the S onar Z oom V iew can not be customized; therefore, information such as water temperature and voltage are unavailable in the Sonar Zoom View.

