Chart Speed

Settings: 1-9, Ultra, where 1 = Slow, 9 = Fast, Ultra =

Fastest; Default = 5

Chart Speed determines the speed at which the sonar information moves across the display, and consequently the amount of detail shown.

A faster speed shows more information and is preferr ed by most ang lers; however,the sonar information movesacross the display quickly. A slower speed keeps th e i nformation on the display longer, but t he bottom and fi sh details become compressed and may be dif ficult to interpret. Regardless of the Chart Speed setting, the RTS Windowwill update at the maximum rate possible for the depth conditions.

Bottom View

Settings: Inver se, Structure I D®, WhiteLine™, Bottom

Black; Default = Inverse

Bottom View selects the method used to represent bottom and structure on the display. See What’s on the Sonar Dis play: Bo ttom Pr esentation for more information.

Cancel Navigation

(only when Navigating)

Settings: Follow screen instructions to activate.

Cancel Navigation discards the current route and exits Navigation Mode. This menu option will only appear when you are currently navigating a route. This will not delete a previously-saved route.

Sonar X-Press™ Menu