NMEA Output


Settings: Off, On; Default = Off

NMEA Output turns the N MEA* out put on o r off. NMEA Output should be turned On if you connect the NMEA Output wires of the GPS Receiver cable to another NMEA-compatible device, such as an autopilot.

*NMEA 0183 is a N ational M arine El ectronics Asso ciation s tandard fo r dat a communication.

NOTE: A separate purchase of accessory AS-HHGPS may be required for the NMEA output function.

The following NMEA sentences are output when NMEA Output is turned On:

DPT - DepthMTW - Water TemperatureGLL - Lat/Lon PositionGGA - GPS Fix DataRMC - Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS DataVTG - Course Over Ground and Ground SpeedZDA - Time and Date

When n avigating, the f ollowing NM EA sent ences are also out put wh en NMEA Output is turned On:

APB - Autopilot Sentence BBWR - Bearing and Distance to WaypointRMB - Recommended Minimum Navigation Info


Setup Menu Tab