Fault message | Cause | Action |
Outside | If this occurs in isolated areas it may | Try to move the boundary wire. |
| be due to interference from metallic |
| objects (perimeter fence, reinforce- |
| ment bar) or buried cables in the |
| vicinity. |
| The working area slopes too much. | Check that the boundary wire has |
| been routed correctly. |
| The boundary wire has been routed | Check that the boundary wire has |
| the wrong way around an ”island”. | been routed in accordance with the |
| installation instructions. |
| The boundary wire is too close to the | Check that the boundary wire has |
| edge of the working area. | been routed correctly. |
Low battery voltage | Auto Mower cannot find the charging | Change the position of the charging |
| station. | station. |
| The battery is defective. | Contact your dealer to replace the |
| battery |
Wrong PIN code | Wrong PIN code has been entered. | State the correct PIN code. |
| Three attempts are permitted, the |
| keypad is then blocked for five min- |
| utes. |
No drive | Auto Mower has become caught in | Free the mower and rectify the reason |
| something. | for the lack of drive. If it is due to wet |
| grass, wait until the lawn has dried |
| before using the mower. |
No contact in charg- | The Auto Mower makes poor contact | Check that the Auto Mower has |
ing station | with the contact stripes in the charg- | docked correctly in the charging sta- |
| ing station. | tion. |
Charging station | The contact between the charging | Place the Auto Mower in the charging |
blocked | strips and contact strips may be poor | station and check that the charging |
| and the Auto Mower has made a | strips and contact strips make good |
| number of charging attempts. | contact. |
| An object is obstructing the Auto | Remove the object. |
| Mower |
Stuck in charging | An object is preventing the Auto | Remove the object. |
station | Mower from reversing out of the |
| charging station. |
Upside down | The Auto Mower leans too much or | Turn the mower the right way up. |
| has turned over. |
Empty battery | The Auto Mower is set in MAN oper- | This behaviour is normal; no action |
| ating mode. | required. |