1.Place the engine/motor on the engine/motor console and attach the drive belt.
2.Bolt the engine/motor (petrol or electric) onto the engine/motor console.
3.Connect the cable to the clutch control arm
4.Attach the mounting for the drive disc (B), so that the clutch does not rotate.
5.Tighten the belt with the belt tension device (FIG. 31 A). A correctly adjusted belt can be moved 0.5 cm with one finger (FIG. 31 B). If necessary, adjust the engine/motor console mounted in the lengthways slot to attain the correct belt tension.
6.Connect the cable to the start lever (FIG. 30 E), check that the clutch is activated. When the start lever (FIG 30 F) is activated, the spring in the control arm on the clutch shall be lightly compressed.
Wire adjustment
The wire that engages the clutch must be ad- justed so that there is no pressure on the clutch arm that is connected to the clutch. The easiest way to do this is to adjust the wire so that it is completely slack when the clutch is not engaged. Adjustment is by means of the adjuster nipples on the starter yoke and the engine bracket (FIG 30 G and FIG X A).
It is also important that the attachment to the clutch is able to swing (FIG X B). The spring in the fastener prevents excessive leverage being applied to the clutch arm.
On saw mills with
Petrol Engine
Connect the cable from the covers’ safety switch (22) to the contact (FIG. 29 D) on the engine.
Electric Motor
Connect the cable from the covers’ safety switch to the contact on the distribution box (FIG. 32 A). The contact for the electrical cable for the electric motor has polarity reversal (31). Make sure that the main switch (34) is set to 0.
Check that the main switch is set to 0, and be sure to invert the phase if the sawmill runs in the wrong direction.
FIG 29
FIG 30
FIG 31
FIG 32