
2->1 Util

The 2->1 Utilization specifies the Intranet connection traffic level; below which the second PPP channel will be released from the PPP bundle. The value ranges from 0% to 100%. This parameter is available only if the MP protocol is selected as the Internet encapsulation protocol.

1->0 Idle

The bandwidth management function will remove the (primary) Intranet connection when it is being detected idle for a specific period. The 1->0 Idle parameter specifies the idle period in seconds. Assigning 0 second to this parameter has special meaning. It disables the 1->0 bandwidth management. The user has to manually disconnect the Intranet Connection.

Intranet IP Menu

The Intranet IP sub-menu is shown in

Figure 0-13, Intranet IP Window. This menu is used to configure the IP related parameters of the Intranet connection.

Figure 0-13, Intranet IP Window

Remote SNMP Enable

This check box is to enable or disable remote SNMP management. If disabled, the ISDN router will only respond to the SNMP requests from the local Ethernet.

IP Enable