Trouble Shooting
Under the Detail Log, the trouble shooter enables the ISDN router to send more detailed IP, PPP, and ISDN activity traps to NMS to enable trouble shooting. It should only be enabled during the trouble shooting stage. Keeping it on all time will increase the Ethernet traffic, and work load to the ISDN router and therefore is not beneficial to performance.
Clear Trap List
This click button is used to clear the traps previously stored in the trap history.
Detail Log Enable
This click button asks the Hypertec Router to send full detail traces. It is good source for trouble shooting. At system reset time, the detail log is always disabled.
Trap History
Each trap is described in date, time, type, and a brief information about the cause of the traps. Within the trap history area, up to 100 traps are stored for review with the most recent trap first.
Figure 0-18, Statistics Trace Window
ISDN Data Call Attempts
This field displays how many times the ISDN router has tried to make an ISDN data call since last reset. Note that an incoming ISDN data call does not contribute to this counter.