Each time you power-on the system, it performs a series of tests that check the
operation of the system and some options. This series of tests is called the
Power-On Self-Test,orPOST. POST does the following operations.
vChecks some basic system-board operations
vChecks the memory operation
vStarts the video operation
vVerifiesthat the diskette drive is working
vVerifiesthat the hard disk drive is working
If the POST finishes without detecting any problems, a single beep sounds and the
first screen of the operating system or application program appears.
Type2271/6840/6841 computers default to come up quiet (no beep and no memory count
and checkpoint code display) when no errors are detected by POST.
Toenable beep and memory count and checkpoint code display when a successful POST
occurs, do the following:
1. Select Start Options in the Configuration/Setup Utility program (see “Setup Utility
program”on page 8).
2. Set Power-On Self-Testto Enhanced.
If the POST detects a problem, an error message appears on the screen.A single
problem can cause several error messages to appear.When you correct the cause of
the first error message, the other error messages probably will not appear on the
screen the next time you turn on the system.
In the following index, Xcan represent any number.
POST Error Code FRU/Action
SCSI Adapter not enabled 1. Verifyadapter device and Bus Master
fields are enabled in PCI configuration
program. See documentation shipped
with computer.
02X 1. SCSI Adapter
Check SCSI terminator installation. 1. SCSI Cable
2. SCSI Terminator
3. SCSI Device
4. SCSI Adapter
System board interrupt failure 1. System Board
System board timer error 1. System Board
106 1. System Board
System board memory parity error 1. Memory Module
2. System Board
Chapter6. Symptom-to-FRU Index 63