Inova OnTime Digital Clock Owner's Manual
Testing the Time Server Synchronization
It is always a good idea to test the synchronization between the clock and the time server. To do that, perform these steps:
1.At the prompt, type: sntp
2.Press the Enter key.
The clock displays SNTP settings and immediately attempts a synchronization with the specified host (either the Host Name of the time server on your network or with an outside time standard).
Selecting the Time Server
The default time server is set to ntp. inovasolutions.com. In general, this setting should be changed to an internal time server under IT control. There is more information on NTP, SNTP and time server selection at www.buy inova.com under the support tab.
Selecting Time Zones
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is a time standard based on the time at zero degrees longitude (also known as Greenwich Mean Time or GMT). Time zones around the world are expressed as positive or negative offsets from UTC. The default time zone setting for the clock is UTC
where N=the time zone offset from UTC,
Note: If you’re not sure what time zone offset to use, check the time zone value used on a Windows PC on your network;
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