Inova OnTime Digital Clock Owner's Manual
Appendix A: Digital Clock Configuration
This section summarizes the configuration options available with the Digital Clock.
Get help for clock commands
Determine the IP Address of a Clock
Display the configuration settings for clock
View or change the Daylight Saving Time (DST) setting
?or help To see a list of all the telnet command options for which help is available.
To see help for a particular command option, type the command option help followed by ?. For example, to see help for the display option:
display ? or help display
If the IP Address of each clock has not been recorded during installation, it is suggested to follow this procedure.
1.Lift UP gently on the unit to free the keyholes at the rear of the clock from the mounting hardware.
2.Disconnect the network cable from the clock in question and count to five.
Replace the network cable and watch the face of the clock. It will display its IP address as it boots.
config Display all configuration parameters except those sent by the DHCP server. Use the DHCP config command to view these superseding options
No Daylight Saving Time - Type the command to disable DST: dst
US and Canada - Type: dst
European - Type: dst
Press the Enter key.
Other Locations – The support web site at www.buyinova.com contains a DST calculator which can compute the correct DST configurations string for you location. Obtain the correct string and enter it with the dst
All claims based on information publicly available at time of printing. All other product or service names mentioned in this document may be
trademarks of the companies with which they are associated. © 2007 Inova Solutions. All rights reserved. 6.12.2007 page 24