8086 Object Module Formats | version 4.9 |
~he followinq example (3) is a case where access verification works whether the TARGET specification is ~primary~ or
(3) The translator wishes to reference ·forwards~ from a REFERENT, and to ensure that the TARGET lies within the specified FRAME. For example, we wish to reference the l00'th byte in an external structure STRCT. The translator may specify the fixup as
R&L will ensure that the distance. from the canonic FRAME of Foa to the 190'th byte of STRCT is less than 6553~. (Note that this constraint miqht be achieved even if STRCT lies outside the canonic FRAME of FOO.)
(4)Hibyte fixups specified in a primary way will be correct in that a full word is used to accumulate the value of an offset. Only after LOCATE'inq will the value of the hibyte of an offset be used as a fixup value. This prevents the loss of accuracy due to truncation of low byte before addinq the address at which an object is LOCATE'd.