Sf) 86 Object i\4odule Formats | Version 4.rrJ |
Here are the object record formats that define the object lanquaqe for the 8686 microprocessor. The 8086 object lanquaqe is the output of all lanquaqe translators with the 8086 as the tarqet
processor. 'fhe 8086 - object lanquaqe is input and output for object languaqe processors such as linkers, locaters, librarians, and debuqgers.
The 8086 object module formats permit specification of relocatable memory imaqes that may be linked to one another. Capabilities are provided that allow efficient use of the memory mapping facilities of the 8086 microprocessor.
This section defines certain terms fundamental to S08~ R&L. The terms are ordered not alphabetically, but so you can read forward without forward references.
OMF - acronym for Object Module Formats.
R&L - acronym for Relocation and Linkaqe.
MAS - acronym for Memory Address Space. The 8086 MAS is 1 meqabyte (1,048,576). Note that the MAS is distinguished from actual memory, which may occupy only a portion of the MAS.
information produced by a translator or by the
or more constituent modules. (Note that modules are not "created"
in this sense by
Two observations about modules must be made:
l} Every module must have a name, so that the 808~ Librarian,
LIB86, has a handle for the module for display to the user. (If
there is no need to provide a handle for LIB8o. the name may be null.) Transl~tors will provide names for
default name (possibly the file name or a null name) if neither source code nor user specifies otherwise.