80B6 Object Module Formats | Version 4.0 |
(Examples) Assume that an LNAMES record exists such that the names "DATA", I'RAM 'I, It MYPROG" , "CODE", .. " (null),
7and 8, respectively • .
The Descriptor with 4 fields: [eFDH, 3, 1, 11 specifies the LSEG with S'eqment Name "MYPROG", Class Name "DATA", and Overlay Name "DATA" •
The Descriptor with fields: {0FDH, 3, 1, 51 specifies the LSEG with Segment Name
The Descriptor with fields: (eFDH, 3, 1, 01 specifies any and all LSEG's with Seqment Name "MYPROG" and Class Name ·DATA II , regardless of their Overlay Name(s).
contains the descriptors [0FOH, 1, 1, 51, [eFDH, 6, 6, 51,
[eFOH, 7, 7, 5], and [~FDH, 8, 8, 5]. (End of Examples)