8080 Object Module Formats | Version 4.0 |
The 'Z' is a one bit subfield, currently without any defined function, that is required to contain 0.
The '0' subfield is one bit that specifies what type of thread is beinq specified. If 0=0 then a tarqet thread is beinq defined and if 0=1 then a frame thread is beinq defined.
METHOD is a 3 bit subfield containinq a number between 0 and 3 (0=0) or a number between 0 and r, (0=1).
If 0=0. then ~ETHOD = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ~, 7) mod 4, where the
0 , ••• , 7 indicate methods T0 , ••• , T7 of specifyinq a tarqet.
Thus, METHOD indicates what kind of Index or Frame Number is
required to specify the target, without indicatinq if the tarqet will be specified in a primary or secondary way.
If 0=1, then METHOD = 0, 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, ~ correspondinq to
methods F0, ••• , F6 of specifyinq a frame. Here. METHOD indicates what kind (if any) of Index or Frame Number is required to specify the frame.
THRED is a number between 3 and 3, and associates a ~thread number d to the frame or tarqet defined by the THREAD field.
INDEX or FRAME NU~8ER contains a Seqment Index, Group Index.
External Index, or Frame Number dependinq on the specification in the METHOD subfield. This subfield will not be present if·F4 or F5 or F~ are specified by METHOD.
FIXUP is a field with the following format:
* | * | * | * | * | * |
DATUM * 015- *
** ****
r | , | , | I |
LOCAT is a byte pair with the followinq format:
***************************************************************** | |||||||||||||||
* | I | , | I | I | , | I | * | I | I | I | I | , | , | I | * |
* 1 , ~ I 5 I |
| LOC | o A T*A |
| R E | COR 0 |
| OFF 5 ~ | T | * | |||||
* | , | I | r | I | r | f | * | I | I | , | ! | I | I | , | * |
hi | + |