8086 Object Module Formats | Version 4.0 |
A Name Index with value zero carries special siqnificance: it specifies all ~ames. (Note: Name Indices with zero value may not occur in other record types.)
If the first byte of the DESCRIPTOR contains 0FBH. then the DESCRIPTOR contains 3 more fields. which are the LTL OAT field. the
maximum length of the qroup, and the lenqth of the qroup. This
descriptor, if present. must· precede all other descriptors in the record. There may be at most one descriptor of this type in a
GRPDEF record. There may not be any absolute component in the qroup. A seqment can not be in two such qroups.
The LTL DATA field has the followinq format:
* I I I I I I , *
*I I I I I I I *
Zis indicate that these
assigned a function. These bits are required to be zero.
BGL (Biq Group Lenqth) is a
specifies that the Group lenqth is exactly 64K. In this case the GROUP LENGTH subfield must contain zero.
BGM (Biq Group Maximum Lenqth) is a
The GROUP LENGTH subfield specifies the length of the group that has been determined after the Group is ~locatedM, and the
seqments in the group arc put in contiquous memory area. All fixups have been performed relative to the base of the Group.
The MAXIMU~ GROUP LENGTH subfield | . | .~ |
specifies the maximum | lenqth | |
of the qroup that has been determined | after the Group is ~located", | |
using the maximum lenqths of the segment components. |
·If the first byte of the DESCRIPTOR contains 0FAH, then the DESCRIPTOR contains the address of the Group. Once a Group has been
LOCATEd. it has an address chosen by
all fixups have been performed. If fixups relative to the Group base are required after
the record. There may be at most one descriptor of this type in a GRPDEr"' reco rd.