808fi Object Module Formats | Version 4.8 |
'r is a one bit subfield that specifies whether the target specified for this fixup is defined by reference to a thread CT=l). or is aiven explicitly in the FIXUP field (T=0).
P is a one bit subfield that indicates whether the tarqet ~ specified in a primary way (requires a TARGET DISPLACEMENT,
Since a tarqet thread does not have a primary/secondary attribute, the P bit is the only field that specifies the primary/secondary attribute of the target specification.
TARGT is interpreted as a two bit subfie1d. When T=I, it provides a number between 0 and 3, corresponding to methods T0, ••• , T3 or T4, ••• , T7, depending on the value of P (P can be interpreted as the high order bit of TO, ••• , T7). When the tarqet ia specified by a thread (T=l) then TARGT specifies a thread number
FRAME DATU~ is the "referent" portion of a frame specification, and is a Segment Index, a Grou·p Index, an External Index, or a Frame
Number. The FRAME DATUM subfield is present only when the frame is specified neither by a thread (F=O) nor explicitly by methods F4 or F5 or Ffi.
'fARGET DATUM is the II referent" portion of a tarqet specification. and is a Segment Index, a Group Index, an External Index or a Frame Number. The TARGET DATU~ subfield is present only when the target is not specified by a thread (T=0).
by "primary" ways of specifyinq TARGETs. This 2- or