8086 Object Module Formats | version 4.0 |
pointer is present or not): (2) an OFFSET is merely the low order
word of a pointer (and R&L doesn't care if the high order word follows or not); (3) a HIBYTE is merely the hiqh order half of an OFFSET (and R&L doesn't Nare if the low order half precedes or not);
(4)a LOBYTE is merely the low order half of an OFFSET (and R&L doesn't care if the hiQh order half follows or not).
ALOCATION is specified
types the LOCATION is, and (2) where the LOCATION is . (1) is specified by the LOC subfield of the LOCAT field of the FIXUPP Record; (2) is specified by the DATA RECORD OFFSET subfield of the LOCAT field of the FIXUPP Record.
MODE - R&L supports 2 kinds of fixups:
TARGET - The TARGET is the location in MAS beina referenced. (More explicitly, the TARGET may be considered to be the lowest byte in
the object beinq referenced.) A TARGET is specified in one of 8
ways. There are 4
(T0) X is a SEGMEN'r INDEX. The TARGET is the O'th byte in the LSEG identified by the INDEX.
(TI) X is a GROUP INDEX. The TARGET is the O'th byte followinq the first byte in the LSEG in the qroup that is eventually LOCATE'd lowest in MAS.
(T2) X is an EXTERNAL INDEX. The TARGET is the O'th byte
followinq the byte whose address is (eventually) qiven hy the External Name identified by the INDEX.
(T3) X is a FRAME NUMBER. FRAME identified by the FRAME (X*16)+D).
The TARGET is the O'th byte in the NUMBER (i . e . , the address of TARGET is
Each secondary way of specifyinq a TARGET uses only 1 datum:
(T4) X is a SEGMENT INDEX. The TARGeT is the 0'th (first).byte in the LSEG identified by the INDgX.
(TS) X is a GROUP INDEX. in the LSEG in the specified lowest in ~AS.
The TARGET is the ~'th (first) byte qroup that is eventually LOCATE'd