When The Following Messages Appear
When the following messages appear on the touch panel, press the [FUNCTION CLEAR] button to clear the error message and perform the appropriate remedy for the error.
For details of messages not listed below, see the [Operator’s Manual for Basic Functions].
Message | Cause | Remedy |
Memory overflow | Memory overflowed when scanning | Either wait for memory to be cleared, |
| documents to the memory. | or check the jobs and delete reserved |
| jobs to clear memory. |
Communication error | Communication error occurred during | Retry communications. |
| direct TX. |
Job reservation full | The number of reserved jobs | Either wait for job reservations to be |
| exceeded 100. | completed, or check the jobs and |
| delete reserved jobs. |
Job memory full | The total number of destinations for | Either wait for outgoing call jobs to be |
| outgoing call jobs exceeded 1,000. | completed, or check the jobs and |
| delete reserved jobs. |
Sorry not possible | Wait for communications to end and | |
| during communications. | retry communications. |
Not allowed now | Further polling transmission reserva- | Either wait for polling transmission |
| tion was attempted even though polling | jobs to be completed, or check the |
| transmission was already reserved. | jobs and delete reserved jobs. |
Too Many Tel # Digits | 128 digits or more were registered for | Confirm the number of digits dialed |
| a chain dial communication. | and register the numbers again. |
178 When The Following Messages Appear