Choose Ethernet Controller Teaming Options

The onboard PRO/100+ ethernet controller provides several options for increasing throughput and fault tolerance when running Windows NT 4.0 or NetWare 4.1x or newer:

Adapter Fault Tolerance (AFT) - provides automatic redundancy for your controller. If the primary controller fails, the secondary takes over.

Adaptive Load Balancing (ALB) - creates a team of two, three, or four adapters to increase transmission throughput. Also includes the AFT option. Works with any 100BASE-TX switch.

Fast EtherChannel (FEC) - creates a team of two to four adapters to increase transmission and reception throughput. Also includes the AFT option. Requires a Cisco switch with FEC capability.

To set up an option, go to the appropriate section in the pages that follow.General Configuration NotesAdapter Teaming options are supported by Windows NT versions 4.0 and later .

Adapter Teaming options require NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3.0 and the NDIS driver hotfix from Microsoft. See the Late Breaking News for details.

Setting Up Adapter Fault Tolerance Only

Adapter Fault Tolerance provides the safety of an additional backup link between the server and hub or switch. In the case of hub or switch port, cable, or controller failure, you can maintain uninterrupted network performance.

Adapter Fault Tolerance is implemented with a primary controller and a backup, or secondary, adapter. During normal operation, the backup adapter will have transmit disabled. If the link to the primary controller fails, the link to the secondary adapter automatically takes over.


One or more Intel PRO/ 100+ PCI ethernet adapters may be added to the system. These adapters work in conjunction with the onboard Intel PRO/100+ ethernet controller to achieve the enhancements sdescribed in this section.

The onboard ethernet controller is refered to as the primary controller throughout. When the statement refers to either the onboard controller or an adapter, the term adapter is used.


Use this procedure to set up AFT only. If setting up ALB or FEC, use the procedures in the next sections. The AFT feature runs automatically when you enable ALB or FEC.

Choose Ethernet Controller Teaming Options 15