B.Remove the phillips screw securing the EXIST- ING hand brake to the push handle.
C.Pull the EXISTING hand brake off of the push handle.
NOTE: Remove clamps/hardware located at the end of the NEW brake wire before performing the following steps.
4.Perform one (1) of the following:
INSTALLING CANE KIT - Install NEW push handle.
A.Turn the adjustment levers COUNTERCLOCK- WISE.
B.Insert push handles into side frames with the hand grip facing the back of the rollator as shown in FIGURE 1.
INSTALLING BRAKE KIT (BEFORE 3/7/00) - Install NEW hand brake.
A.Position the handbrake assembly under the push handlesothelockbuttonisfacingOUT,thetipofthe hand brake is towards the end of the hand grip and the brake cable is AWAY from the hand grip.
B.Position the hook portion of the hand brake clamp through the slot in the hand brake assembly.
C.Installthewasher,hexboltandlocknuttosecurethe hand brake assembly to the push handle.
D.Securely tighten the locknut.
NEW hand brake.
A. Push the NEW hand brake onto the push handle.
NOTE:Ifnecessary,twistthehandbrakewhilepushingto installonthepushhandle.
B.AlignthemountingholesoftheNEWhandbrakewith themountingholeinthepushhandle.
C.Installthephillipsscrewthroughbothmountingholes. Securelytighten.
D.Apply a thin coat of hair spray on the inside of the foam grip and on the push handle.
NOTE: This application will make it easier to slide the grip onto the push handle.
E.Slide new grip onto one end of the push handle.
5.Perform one (1) of the following:
TIE WRAPS REMOVED - Secure the brake cable to the side frame with a NEW tie wrap.
TIE WRAPS ALREADY INSTALLED - Thread brake cable through tie wrap to secure to side frame.
6.Install the NEWbrake wire. Perform the following:
A.Threadthebrakewirethroughthecableadjusterunit, cable adjuster unit locknut, spring, hole in the brake andtheholeinthesmallendofthebrakewireclamp.
B.With the brake wire clamp snug against the under- sideofthebrake,pullthebrakewirethroughthebrake wire clamp as far as it will go.
C.Tighten the phillips screw in the brake wire clamp to secure the brake wire to the brake wire clamp.
NOTE: At least one (1) to two (2) inches of wire should be beyond the large end of the brake wire clamp.
7.Adjustthepushhandle.RefertoADJUSTINGSPRINT AND SPARTAN PUSH HANDLES in this instruction sheet.
8.Adjust the hand brake. Refer to ADJUSTING SPRINT ANDSPARTANHANDBRAKESintherollatorinstruc- tion sheet.