c.When the “Shut Down Windows” dialog box appears, select the “Restart the Computer” option, then press the “Yes” button.
This is the preferred method for restarting your computer (assuming your system is working normally), because it allows Windows 95 to save configuration information and shut down in an orderly manner before it restarts. However, if your system has become erratic or nonresponsive (i.e., “crashed”), you should:
∙Press <Ctrl+Alt+Del> twice to perform a warm (or soft) boot. A warm boot clears system memory and restarts the computer.
∙If the computer still does not respond, you must do a cold (or hard) boot: press the power button to turn the power off, wait ten seconds, then press the power button again to turn the power on. If a password has been assigned, you will be required to enter it.
When you restart the system, you lose any data that you have not saved.
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