Serial Port 2 Address: port address to port 2. available:
Use this option to assign a serial The following options are
COM2, 2F8, IRQ4
COM3, 3E8, IRQ3
COM4, 2E8, IRQ 4
COM2, 2F8, IRQ3
COM3, 3E8, IRQ4
COM4, 2E8, IRQ3
Serial Port 2 IR Mode: Enables/disables the onboard IR controller, if your system came configured with the IrDA (Infrared Data Association ) feature. If your computer did not come with the IrDA feature, this field should always be set to Disabled.
Your computer can support either serial port 2 or the onboard IrDA controller, but not both at the same time. If Serial Port 2 IR Mode is enabled, serial port 2 will be automatically disabled. However, the BIOS field will not be updated to reflect this.
If you are attaching an infrared device, such as a remote control, to the serial port, DO NOT enable Serial Port 2 IR Mode: this field is for the onboard IrDA controller ONLY. If you enable Serial Port 2 IR Mode, you will actually be disabling the serial port you are trying to attach to.
Parallel Port Address: Use this option to assign a parallel port address. The following options are available:
LPT1, 378, IRQ7
LPT2, 278, IRQ7 (Default)
LPT1, 378, IRQ5
LPT2, 278, IRQ5
Configuring Your Computer 49