ZyAIR B-4000 Hot Spot Gateway

Chapter 15


This chapter shows you how to set the ZyAIR to use DDNS.

15.1 About DDNS

DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) allows you to update your dynamic IP address with one or many dynamic DNS services so that anyone can contact you (in NetMeeting, CU-SeeMe or other services). This is for cases where the ISP gives the ZyAIR a dynamic IP address but you still want to use a domain name. You can also access your FTP server or Web site on your own computer using a domain name (for example, myhost.dhs.org, where myhost is a name of your choice), which will never change instead of using an IP address that changes each time you reconnect.

You must go to the Dynamic DNS service provider’s website and register a user account and a domain name before you can use the Dynamic DNS service with your ZyAIR.

The Dynamic DNS service provider will give you a password or key.

If you have a private WAN IP address, then you cannot use Dynamic DNS

15.1.1 DYNDNS Wildcard

Enabling the wildcard feature for your host causes *.yourhost.dyndns.org to be aliased to the same IP address as yourhost.dyndns.org. This feature is useful if you want to be able to use, for example, www.yourhost.dyndns.org and still reach your hostname.

15.2 Configuring DDNS

Click ADVANCED and DDNS to display the screen as shown next.

