ZyAIR B-4000 Hot Spot Gateway



The following table describes the labels in this screen.




Table 19-1 System























Internet Connection

This field displays the status of the ZyAIR’s connection to the Internet.







Wireless Service

This field displays the status of the ZyAIR’s wireless LAN.















Host Name

This field displays the description name of the ZyAIR for identification purposes.







Domain Name

This field displays the domain name of the ZyAIR.







Firmware Version

This field displays the version of the firmware on the ZyAIR.







Wireless Firmware

This field displays the version of the wireless features on the ZyAIR.











Bootrom Version

This field displays the version of the bootbase in the ZyAIR.







WAN MAC Address

This field displays the MAC address of the ZyAIR on the WAN.







LAN MAC Address

This field displays the MAC address of the ZyAIR on the LAN.







System Time

This field displays the ZyAIR’s current time.







System Up Time

This field displays the how long the ZyAIR has been operating since it was last



















IP Address

This field displays the IP address of the LAN port on the ZyAIR.







Subnet Mask

This field displays the subnet mask of the LAN port on the ZyAIR.















WAN Port Mode

This field displays the DHCP mode of the WAN port. It displays DHCP Client, Static




IP Setting, PPPoE or PPTP.



IP Address

This field displays the IP address of the WAN port on the ZyAIR.







Subnet Mask

This field displays the subnet mask of the WAN port on the ZyAIR.







Default IP Gateway

This field displays the IP address of the default gateway of the WAN port on the














System Status
