Method: (Pro-Only)
PDF Viewing Options
ViewONE Pro introduced an optional PDF module. The module comes with various
optional methods as follows...
E.g. ViewONE.setPDFPixelDepth(8);
This method will change the default pixel depth when viewing PDF documents. The pixel depth dictates the number of colors that are used for viewing as follows:
1:View in Monochrome format (black and white)
8:View in Grayscale (256 grays)
24:View in full color (4.2 million colors).
For higher performance (but less colors) choose 1 or 8, for all colors (but slower performance) choose 24. The default value is 8.
E.g. var depth = ViewONE.getPDFPixelDepth();
Returns the current pixel depth used when viewing PDF documents.
E.g. ViewONE.setPDFResolution(200);
This method will change the default resolution when viewing PDF documents. The minimum value is 50 and maximum is 1200.
For higher performance will result when using lower resolutions but less quality (depending on the PDF document), and lower performance but higher quality for higher resolutions.