-Windows main menu key
-Popup menu key
The following keys will generate events but will always also be handled by
ViewONE event when ProcessKeys is set to False…
-Scroll bar keys (Page up/down, home, end, arrow keys)
-Windows menu key
Modifier and cursor keys are defined using names (see below)
Event Text | Descriptio |
“A” | A key pressed |
Control A | Ctrl + A keys pressed |
Shift A | Shift + A keys pressed |
Alt A | Alt + A keys pressed |
Alt Shift Control A | Alt Shift + Ctrl + A keys pressed |
Space | Space key pressed |
Ctrl Space | Ctrl + Space keys pressed |
Caps Lock | Caps Lock pressed |
Up | Up arrow key pressed |
| 9 key on a number pad is pressed (note |
some numpad keys have a | |
| rather than a space) |
38 | Full page rendered | A page has been viewed in the | |
first time the page is viewed. | |||
| ||
| |
39 | All full pages rendered | All pages in the document have been viewed in the | |
event occurs only once per document. | |||
| ||
| |
40 |
| Reserved | |
| |
41 | Keep Alive | This event is generated at regular intervals (specified by the KeepAliveTime | |
HTML paramater). The text accompanying the event is specified by the | |||
| KeepAlive HTML paramater. | |
| |
42 | Save Complete | Generated when a document is successfully saved. | |
| |
43 | Cache Access Denied | This event is generated if all attempts to write to a ViewONE cache have | |
failed. | |||