ConnectingAppliance To Gas Supply
CONNECTION. Leak testing of the appliance shall be conducted by the installer according to the instructions given.
Install a manual shutoffvalve in an accessible locationin
the gas line external to thisappliance for the purpose of turning on or shuttingoff gas to the appliance.
Make the gas connectionto the inlet of the appliance
pressure regulatoron this appliancewith a 1/2" male pipe thread. Use an approvedpipe joint compoundresistantto the actionof LP gas at pipeconnections.Test all joints for gas leaks with a soap and water solutionor other
accepted leak detectionmeans. Never test for gas leaks with an openflame,
Air Shutter Adjustment
This appliance is shipped from the factory with air shutters adjusted for use with Natural Gas. If further adjustment is
necessary, or to reset for usewith LP, adjust air shutters as follows:
Grill Burner and Surface Burner
Cartridge Air Shutters
(See///ustrations "A" & "B')
The left hand air shuttercontrolsthe rear half of the burner. The fight handshutter controlsthe front half. Access to air
shutters on the surface burner cartridge may be found throughopeningson the bottomof the cartridge housing. Slide air shutters backward or forward to increase or
decrease the size of the air opening.Air shuttersfit snugly, soa screwdriverblade or needlenosepliersmay be required to make this adjustment(see illustration).
Observe change in flame appearance as the air shutter is moved. Adjustmentis satisfactory when a clearly defined, even blue flame resultsat the high flame setting. The snug fit of theairshutterassurasit willremainpositionedcorrectly.
IGrill Burner Air Shutter and Surface Burner
(if so equipped)
Illustration ",4"
On any burner, closing the air shutter too far will cause the flame to become soft and yellow tipped. Opening the air shutter too wide will cause the flame to blow away from the burnerports. Proper adjustmentwill produce a sharp, clearly defined, even blue flame.
Illustration "B"