Forbest results,bake foodson one rackata time as describedinthis manual.However,
very goodresults can be obtainedwhen baking quantitiesof foods on multipleracks.
Quantitycooking provides both time and energy savings.
Convect Bake is suggested for most multiple rack cooking, especially three rack
cooking,becausethecirculating heatedair results inmoreeven browning. For two rack
cooking,theconventionalbake ovenprovidesvery good baking resultsespeciallywhen
panscan be staggered, such aswith layer cakes and fresh pies.
Manyfoods can be preparedon three racks at the sametime.These are just a few
snack foods.
To obtain thebest results in multiple rack cooking,follow thesesuggestions:
• Usetemperatureand times in this manual as a guideforbest results.
For two rack baking,rack positions #20 and4 arebest for most baked productsbut
positions#2and 4 alsoprovideacceptableresults.
Forthree rack bakinguse positions#1,3o and4. One exceptionis pizza. (Seepage
• Sincefoodson positions#1and 4 will usually bedone beforefoods on position #3o,
additionalcooking time will be neededfor browningfoods on the middle rack. An
additional minute is needed for thin foods such as cookies. For foods such as
biscuits,rolls,ormuffins,allow 1to 2 more minutes. Frozen pies andpizzas, which
shouldbe bakedon a cookie sheet, need about 2 to 4 more minutes.
Stagger small pans, such as layer cake pans,inthe oven.
Frozenpies in shiny aluminumpans should beplaced oncookie sheets and baked
onrack positions #1, 30 and 4.
• Cookiesheetsshould be placedlengthwise,sidetoside, infront of thefan for more
even browning.
Ovenmeals are recommendedforenergyconservation. Use rackpositions#1 and
30 or #2o and 4 andConvect Roast.