Preheatingis not necessary.
Foropenpanroasting,place meat or poultryon the slotted portionof the two-piece
panincluded withthe oven. Do not addwater to the pan.Use open pan roasting
for tendercuts ofmeat. Less tendercuts of meatneedto be cooked by moistheat
ina covered pan.
For best results,a meatthermometeror probeis the mostaccurate guideto degree
of doneness. Thetipof thethermometeror probe should belocated inthethickest
part of a roast, not touchingfat,bone,or gristle. For turkeys and large poultry
products,insertthetip of thethermometer orprobe intothethickestpart of the inner
Placeroast fat side up to allow selfbasting of meat during roasting.
Since meats continuetocook after being removed from theoven, remove roast
from oven when Jtreaches an internal temperature about 5 degrees below the
temperature desired.
Forless loss of juices and easier carving, allow about 15 minutes "standingtime"
after removing meat from oven.
Forbestresults inroastingpoultry, thawcompletely. Due to thestructureof poultry,
partiallythawed poultry will cook unevenly.
Ifpreferred,tender cutsof meat can be roastedin the conventional bake oven by
followingthe general recommendationsgiven above. However, meats will roast
more quicklyin the convect oven usingConvect Boast.
Conventionalbake is best for lesstender cuts of meatthat require alonger, moist
heatmethodof cooking. Followyour recipefor times and temperaturesfor covered
Meatscookedin ovencookingbags, dutchovens,or coveredroasting pansarebest
cookedin theconventional bake oven using theBake Pad.
Use meat roasting charts in standard cookbooks for recommended times and
temperaturesfor roasting in a conventionalbake oven.
JNOTE: A cooling fanwill operate during all cooking modes. Thefan may also
down.C°ntinuetooperate after the oven is turned off unti the oven has coo ed