To set oven to start at future time and shut off automatically
1-4. FollowprecedingSteps1-4,onpage 12.
5.TouchStop Time Pad.
IndicatorWords STOPand TIME willflash.Display will show the calculated
stoptime based oncurrent time ofday and cook time. Note WW27438Owners:
Theappropriateletter (U - upperoven; L - tower oven) and OVEN will also flash.
6. Touch the appropriate number pads to enter desiredstop time.
Astop time can only be acceptedfor later in the day. Note: Since food continues
to cook if left in theoven, it is suggestedthat the clockcontrols be used primarily
tostart the ovenwhen no one is inthe kitchen. Provisionsshouldbe madeto have
the food removedas soon as the chime has sounded.
Example: Ifat 10o'clockyou set the oven for 350°convection bakingand 2 hours
and 30 minutescooking time, the calculatedstop time would be "12:30". The
Displaywould show:
Ifyou want the stop time to be 1 o'clock,touch the number pads "1,0,0". Five
secondslater, the Displaywill briefly show the start time:
10::90 s.oo°
Afterfive seconds, the display will return to current time of day,thus showing:
/ 0:00
_Ay _ED
Attheend of thedelayed period,the DELAY IndicatorWordwill go offand the oven
willbegin to heat. 100° will be shown. Asthe oven heats,the Display will show
a rise in increments of 5° until programmed temperature is reached.
Atthe end of programmedCook Time,the oven will shut off automatically and a
"chime"will be heard four times and"End" will appear in the Display. If oven is
notcancelled, "End"will remainin the Display and therewill beone chime every
minutefor ten minutes.
• NoteWW27430Owners: Clock controlledbakingcan be used withonly one oven
ata time. To program,first set the bake or convectbakeor convect roastfunction
forthe desired oven, then set the cook time. If one oven is set for clock controlled
baking,the otheroven cannot be set to self-clean.
• To recall time function programmed:Touchthe appropriatetime pad.
• To canceltimed function only: HoldCook Time Pad for four seconds. This will
onlycancel cook time and stoptime, not programmedbake mode.
If more than five seconds elapse betweentouching a functionpad and touching
appropriatenumberpads, the oven is not set and Display will returnto previous