7 Troubleshooting
7 Troubleshooting
Problem | Cause/Result | Action |
Insufficient foam is | The dual spout is dirty. | T Rinse and clean the dual spout (see |
produced when the milk |
| Chapter 5 ‘Maintenance – Cleaning |
is frothed, or milk sprays |
| the milk system’). |
from the dual spout. |
Coffee only comes out in | Coffee or ground coffee has | T Put the grinder on a coarser setting |
drips when it is being | been ground too finely and | or use coarser ground coffee (see |
prepared. | is blocking the system. The | Chapter 4 ‘Permanent settings in |
| same filter cartridge may | programming mode – Setting the |
| have been used several | consistency of grind’). |
| times or the water hardness | T Perform descaling (see Chapter 5 |
| set incorrectly in the | ‘Maintenance – Descaling the |
| programming mode. | machine ’). |
‘Fill bean container.’ | The bean monitor is dirty. | T Clean the bean container (see |
is not displayed although |
| Chapter 5 ‘Maintenance – Cleaning |
the bean container is |
| the bean container’). |
empty. |
Preparation stops, | The sliding catch for the | T Open the service cover on the back |
‘Fill bean container.’ | bean container has not been | of the machine and pull the sliding |
is briefly displayed | pulled out or has not been | catch all the way out (see Chapter 5 |
although the bean | pulled out completely. | ‘Maintenance – Cleaning the bean |
container has been filled. |
| container’). |
‘Empty drip tray.’ | The metal contacts of the | T Clean and dry the metal contacts on |
is always displayed. | drip tray are dirty or wet. | the back of the drip tray. |
‘Fill water tank.’ | The water tank float is | T Descale the water tank (see |
is displayed although the | trapped. | Chapter 5 ‘Maintenance – Descaling |
water tank is full. |
| the water tank’). |
‘Error 2’ is displayed. | If the machine was exposed | T Warm the machine at room |
| to the cold for a long period | temperature. |
| of time, heating is disabled |
| for safety reasons. |