
If a problem occurs when you are using the TV, check the below troubleshooting guide before calling for repair.

• No picture,

• Deactivate the BLUE BACK function if it is turned on.

no sound

• Choose the appropriate sound system. Refer to


“SOUND SYSTEM” on page 12.

• Snowy picture

• Check the aerial cable and its connection with the TV.

Stripes appear on the • Interference occurs caused by other devices such as


an amplifier, personal computer, or a hair drier. Move


such devices away from your TV.

Double-pictures • Interference occurs caused by signal reflecting from

(ghosting) occur

mountains or building. Try to adjust the aerial’s


direction or use a better directionality antenna.



• Poor picture

• Choose the appropriate colour system. Refer to


“COLOUR SYSTEM” on page 9.

Adjust the COLOUR or BRIGHT setting. Refer to “PICTURE SETTING” on page 10.

White and bright still • Inevitable phenomenon due to the nature of the

image look as if it

picture tube. This is not a malfunction.

were coloured


Top of the image from • This is due to the condition of the video signal

software products or

whereby the image was not recorded properly. This

video tape is distorted

is not a malfunction.



• Poor sound

• Adjust the sound frequency properly. Refer to


“EQUALIZER” on page 13.

Stereo or bilingual • TV channel reception is poor. Change the stereo/

sound is unclear

bilingual mode to mono sound (see page 13).

Cannot operate the • The batteries may be exhausted. Replace with new

remote control

batteries (see page 7).

Ensure that you are operating the remote less than seven meters from the front of your TV.

Cannot operate the • Press TV/VIDEO button to return to TV mode and try


operating the menus.

Cannot operate the • Deactivate the CHILD LOCK function if it is turned on

front control buttons

(see page 15).

Colour patches appear • This may due to the magnetized device such as a

at the corner of the

speaker near to your TV. Keep the device apart from


your TV. Alternately, you can also use the magnetic-


shielded speaker.

Image takes a short • Image required time to stabilize before display. This

period to be displayed

is not a malfunction.

TV may emitted • This is due to a sudden change in temperature and it is

crackling sound

not a malfunction. If the crackling sound is too frequent,


request your service technician for inspection.

Feel a slight electric • This is due to the static electricity of the picture tube

shock when touching

and it will not harm the human body. This is not a

the TV screen


After you connect the • Please check that the AUTO SIGNAL DETECT

signal to VIDEO-2 and

function is on or off.

playback VCR or DVD

• Press button (VCR or DVD Player) to turn the

Player, the Auto Detect

machine off and turn it on again; do not turn the

does not work.

machine off and on suddenly.

Inspect the video cable connection on VIDEO-2 that they are connected properly.

When you are watching • Inspect the video cable connection on VIDEO-2 that

another channel that is

they are connected properly.


• In a certain VCR or DVD Player, the function might


operate by the discontinuity of the signal.

works while VCR or


DVD Player was on.


While you are watching • In a certain VCR or DVD Player, the function might

TV on the other

operate by the discontinuity of the signal.

channels, AUTO SIGNAL


DETECT works when


you press 1,7,3,¡ or


8on the front panel of VCR or DVD Player.

After TV was on, AUTO • Video signal from VCR or DVD Player cause the


function runs properly to indicate that there are video


signal on VIDEO-2 channel.


Page 22
Image 22
JVC AV-21M535, AV-21M515, AV-21M315, AV-21V315, AV-25M515, AV-25M315 specifications Troubleshooting