During Video Playback
1080p xvC XP | X - 6 0 |
1 : 5 5 : 0 1
4:55PM J A N . 2 0 . 2 0 0 8
!Mode Indicator (☞ p. 24)
#6 : Playlist Playback Indicator (Appears
when playing back a playlist.)
$Output with 1080p % x.v.Color™
& Picture Quality
( Playback Mode (☞ p. 24)
F: Playback
Q: Pause
K: Forward Search
J: Reverse Search
QF: Forward
PQ: Reverse
(The number on the left shows speed.)
*Volume Level Indicator + Battery Indicator
, Date/Time
- Effect Mode Indicator
. Wipe/Fader Effect Indicator
During Still Image Playback
1080p | 1 0 1 - 0 0 9 8 |
4 : 5 5 PM J A N . 2 0 . 2 0 0 8
!Mode Indicator (☞ p. 25)
# Output with 1080p $ Folder/File Number
% Slide Show Playback Indicator (☞ p. 25) & Battery Indicator
( Date/Time
Operation guide display
The operation guide is displayed at the bottom of the screen during menu display etc.
EN 15