Using Wi-Fi (GZ-EX355/GZ-EX310)

0 Tap “+”“-” to set the start point of the video transfer (minutes/seconds).

0 Length of the transferred video can be adjusted by using the slider bar.

0 The longer the length of the transferred video is set, the longer it takes to transfer the video.

0Tap “CANCEL” to cancel the operation. 8 After transferring is complete, tap “OK”.

0To play back and check the video, tap “CHECK”. (Android only)

0To upload the video, tap “SHARE”. (Android only)

Tap the desired service, then proceed to the uploading process. To make use of a service, it is necessary to perform registration beforehand.

oTransferring manually

You can set the length of transferred video.

ATap “MANUAL” in step 5.

BAt the start point, enter the starting time of the video.

Specify the lengths of the video by using the slider bar. (10 to 300 sec)

CAfter confirming the setting, tap “TRANSFER”, and then tap “TRANSFER” one more time.