3Change the content of the selected item.

Press either cursor key (5 ∞) to change the setting, then press the ENTER key.




Changing the initial setup (DVD)


Digital Audio


PCM Down Conversion

7 On

Dolby Digital

7 Off





Audio During Search




Dynamic Range Control


÷Select "" and press the ENTER key to return to the set- ting menu. (Pressing the RETURN key or cursor (2) key also returns to the previous setting menu.)




Function items

Setting items







"Digital Audio PCM

"On" : Select to down-convert the signal to 44.1 kHz/16-bit PCM signal. Select



Down Conversion"

this setting when the connected AV amplifier is incompatible with 96 kHz





digital input.





÷ The analog output signals are also converted accordingly.





"Off" : Select to skip down conversion. Select this setting when the connected





AV amplifier is compatible with 96 kHz digital input. However, if the disc in-





hibits the 96 kHz digital output, the signal is down-converted even when this





setting is selected.







"Digital Audio Dolby

"Bitstream" : The signal is output as a bitstream. Select when connecting a



Digital" *1

component containing Dolby Digital decoder.





"PCM" : The signal is converted onto 48 kHz (2ch.) PCM signal before being





output. Select when connecting a component without Dolby Digital decoder.







"Digital Audio DTS" *2

"Bitstream" : The signal is output as a bitstream. Select when connecting a







component containing DTS decoder.





"Off" : No digital signal is output.






"Digital Audio MPEG"

component containing MPEG decoder.



"Bitstream" : The signal is output as a bitstream. Select when connecting a





"PCM" : The signal is converted onto 48 kHz (2ch.) PCM signal before being





output. Select when connecting a component without MPEG decoder.














No digital signal is output when an MP3 file is played back.







Set to "PCM" when connecting the equipment other than a Dolby Digital decoder. If this item is set to




"Bitstream", loud noise may be produced and speakers may be damaged.



Noise may interfere with the speaker output if the player is connected to a piece of equipment which does not




incorporate an DTS decoder. Never connect the player to equipment without a built-in DTS decoder.