●TX circuits
200W final section
Explained here is the circuitry for the 200W final section, the crown jewel of the
I will not go into details here, but following our calculations and tests we discovered that simply hooking up the devices in parallel would not be a practical solution because of issues related to the output transformer. The solution we finally adopted was to have a pair of 100W final sections with a standard
When one simply says “combine”, there are in fact different ways to do this. For example, you can take a pair of 100W final circuits and connect in series the secondary circuit of the output transformer in phase to double the output, thus producing 200W. When we actually experimented with this, we found that it worked okay. Frequency characteristics were good. However, using this method means that one cannot provide isolation between the amplifiers. So what we finally adopted was the old standby in situations like this – namely, a wideband hybrid combiner.
The circuit for this combiner is straightforward: if you reverse the input and output it will actually work as a splitter. For the
A hybrid combiner only works on the condition that the two signals are identical in amplitude and phase. Since our final section was to operate in the HF~50MHz bands, it would qualify as wideband in terms of frequency but there would be some concern for the balance frequency characteristics. However, this sort of power combiner has been used before for general applications, so in that sense it is an approach that can be adopted with some confidence.
When it came to the actual design (mounting), an ideal, symmetrical layout of the components was not possible; however, care was taken to preserve the balance, for example by employing isometric wiring for patterns in which there are many
The device used was the 2SC2782 bipolar transistor. Since this has a collector loss of 220W, there would a total loss of 880W in a 200W set equipped with four of them; this represents more than enough leeway for operations.
Continuous transmission performance with such a compact design is explained in the section on the