2.4 Installation - Windows
all checked components will be installed or updated,
all checked components will not be installed or will be removed
During an update, all components that are intended to remain must be ticked.
2. The installation program does not allow to install the Administration Console separately.
Installation of the Administration Console for the full remote administration requires
a separate installation package (file kerio-kwf-admin*.exe).
Protection of the installed product
To provide the firewall with the highest security possible, it is necessary to ensure that unde-
sirable (unauthorized) persons has no access to the critical files of the application, especially
to configuration files. If the NTFS system is used, WinRoute refreshes settings related to access
rights to the directory (including all subdirectories) where the firewall is installed upon each
startup. Only members of the Administrators group and local system account (SYSTEM) are
assigned the full access (read/write rights), other users are not allowed access the directory.
If the FAT32 file system is used, it is not possible to protect WinRoute in the way suggested
above. For this reason, it is recommended to install WinRoute only on computers which use
the NTFS file system.
Conflicting Applications and System Services
The WinRoute installation program detects applications and system services that might con-
flict with the WinRoute Firewall Engine.
1. Windows Firewall’s system components1and Internet Connection Sharing.
These components provide the same low-level functions as WinRoute. If they are run-
ning concurrently with WinRoute, the network communication would not be functioning
correctly and WinRoute might be unstable. Both components are run by the Windows
Firewall / Internet Connection Sharing system service.2.
To provide proper functionality of WinRoute, it is necessary that the Internet Connection
Firewall / Internet Connection Sharing detection is stopped and forbidden!
InWindows XP Service Pack 1 and older versions, the integrated firewall is called Internet Connection Firewall.
In the older Windows versions listed above, the service is called Internet Connection Firewall / Internet Connection