14.4 URL Groups
1. Generally, protocol inspectors cannot be applied to secured traffic (SSL/TLS). In this case,
WinRoute “perceives” the traffic as binary data only. This implies that such traffic cannot
be deciphered.
2. Under certain circumstances, appliance of a protocol inspector is not desirable. There-
fore, it is possible to disable a corresponding inspector temporarily. For details, refer to
chapter 7.7.
14.4 URLGroups
URL Groups enable the administrator to define HTTP rules easily (see chapter 12.2). For exam-
ple, to disable access to a group of web pages, you can simply define a URL group and assign
permissions to the URL group, rather than defining permissions to each individual URL rule.
A URL group rule is processed significantly faster than a greater number of separate rules for
individual URLs. It is also possible to cascade URL groups.
URL groups can be defined in Configuration Definitions URL Groups.
Figure14.9 URLGroups
The default WinRoute installation already includes predefined URL groups:
Ads/Banners — common URLs of pages that contain advertisements, banners, etc.
Search engines — top Internet search engines.
Windows Updates — URL of pages requested for automatic updates of Windows.
These URL groups are used in predefined URL rules (see chapter 12.2). WinRoute administra-
tors can use predefined groups in their custom rules or/and edit them if needed.