Chapter 6 Internet Connection
On the third page of the wizard, add all links (one by one) which you intend to use for traffic
load balancing.
In the Software Appliance / VMware Virtual Appliance edition, the wizard allows:
to configure parameters of the selected interface,
to create a new interface (PPPoE,PPTP or dial-up).
For details on network interfaces, see chapter 5.
Figure6.14 TrafficPolicy Wizard — failover of a leased link by a dial-up
For each link, specification of bandwidth is required (i.e. traffic speed). The absolute value
of the link speed is not important (however, just for reference reasons, it should correspond
with the link speed suggested by the ISP). The important aspect is the ratio of speed between
individual links — it determines how Internet traffic will be divided among these links.
If login data for the selected telephone connections are not saved in the operating system,
valid username and password are required.
Let us suppose there are two Internet links available. You set their bandwidth values to
4 Mbit/s and 8 Mbit/s. Total (proposed) speed of the Internet connection is therefore 12 Mbit/s,
while one link provides one third of this capacity and the other link provides two thirds. Sim-
ply said, one third of overall Internet traffic will be routed through one link and the resting
two thirds through the other one.