Chapter 7 Traffic Policy
Figure7.16 Trafficrule — NAT — NAT with specific interface (its IP address)
failure. If set as suggested, WinRoute will behave like in mode of automatic interface
selection (see above) if the such failure occurs.
NAT with a specified IP address
It is also possible to specify an IP address for NAT which will be used as the source IP
address for all packets sent from the LAN to the Internet. This option is available above
all to keep the environment compatible with older WinRoute versions. However, use of
a fixed IP address has many limitations:
It is necessary to use an IP address of one of the firewall’s Internet interfaces. If
any other address is used (including even local private addresses). NAT will not
work correctly and packets sent to the Internet will be dropped.
For obvious reasons, specific IP address cannot be used for NAT in the Internet
connection failover and the network traffic load balancing modes.
Figure7.17 Trafficrule — NAT — NAT with specific IP address