Chapter 7 Traffic Policy
Figure7.1 TrafficPolicy Wizard — introduction
Steps 2 and 3— internet connection settings
On the second page of the wizard, select how the LAN will be connected to the Internet with
WinRoute (leased link, dial-up, leased link with connection failover or multiple links with net-
work traffic load balancing).
On the third page, you can set parameters for the selected type of Internet connection.
Individual options of Internet connection are addressed thoroughly in chapter 6.
1. Selection of Internet connection type does not affect resulting traffic rules, but only con-
figuration of interfaces and their classification in groups (see chapters 5and 6).
2. The Traffic Policy Wizard no longer includes the option to enable /disable IP address trans-
lation (NAT) which was available in older versions of WinRoute. In all created traffic rules,
NATis enabled automatically. Thereason for this is that modes of network load balancing,
connection failover and on-demand dialing cannot actually be used without NAT.
Step 4 — Internet access limitations
Select which Internet services will be available for LAN users:
Allow access to all services
Internet access from the local network will not be limited. Users can access any Internet