6.4 Network Load Balancing
Both the primary and the secondary link may be configured automatically by the DHCP proto-
col. In that case, WinRoute looks all required parameters up in the operating system.
It is recommended to check functionality of individual Internet links out before installing
WinRoute. The following testing methods can be applied (to both links):
If these links are two dial-ups, connect one after the other and check access to the
If one link is leased and the other a dial-up, test the leased link connection first and
then dial the other one. Dialing of the link opens (creates) a new default route via this
link which allows us to test Internet connection on the secondary link.
In case of two leased links, the simplest way is to disable one of the connections in
the operating system and test the other (enabled) link. And, as implied, test the other
in the same way when the first link is checked.
This method can be applied to any number of Internet lines.
Configuration with the wizard
On the second page of the Traffic Policy Wizard (see chapter 7.1), select Multiple Internet Links
— Traffic Load Balancing.
Figure6.13 NetworkPolicy Wizard — network load balancing