20.2 Interface statistics
Figure20.3 Firewall’sinterface statistics
The WinRoute host connects to the Internet through the Public interface and the local network
is connected to the LAN interface. A local user downloads 10 MB of data from the Internet.
This data will be counted as follows:
IN at the Public interface is counted as an IN item (data from the Internet was received
through this interface),
at the LAN interface as OUT (data was sent to the local network through this interface).
Note: Interface statistics are saved into the stats.cfg configuration file in the WinRoute’s
installation directory. This implies that they are not reset when the WinRoute Firewall Engine
is closed.
Interface Statistics menu
A context menu providing the following options will be opened upon right-clicking anywhere
in the table (or on a specific interface):
Figure20.4 Contextmenu for Interface statistics
Reset interface statistics
This option resets statistics of the selected interface. It is available only if the mouse
pointer is hovering an interface at the moment when the context menu is opened.