bizhub C360/C280/C220 9-26
9.3 User Settings 9
9.3.4 Custom Display Settings - Search Option Settings
Configure the contents of the search option screen when performing an detail search for registered destina-
9.3.5 Scan/Fax Settings
1/2 page
Item Description
[Uppercase and Lower-
case Letters]
Select whether to differentiate uppercase and lowercase letters when per-
forming a search.
[Search Option Screen] Select whether to display the search option screen when performing a detail
search. When you select [ON], the search option screen appears.
Item Description
[JPEG Compression
Level] (E-
WebDAV/Web Serv-
Specify the compression level for saving images in full color.
[High Quality]: Provides higher quality images, but the data size becomes
[Standard] (default): Provides images of data size and quality of a mid-lev-
el between [High Quality] and [High Compression].
[High Compression]: Provides lower quality images, but the data size be-
comes smaller.
[Black Compression Lev-
Specify the capability of the encoding method for sending binary (black and
white) images.
[MH]: The data size is larger.
[MMR] (default): The data size is smaller.
Data saved in MMR format may not be opened on your computer de-
pending on the application.