bizhub C360/C280/C220 10-39
10.5 Administrator Settings (IP/I-FAX) 10
Internet Fax Advanced Settings (I-FAX)
This item appears if the Internet fax function is available. You can configure detailed settings for Internet fax-
1/2 page
2/2 page
Item Description
[MDN Request] Specify whether to request for an MDN to the recipient machine when send-
ing a fax.
If both MDN Request and DSN Request are set to [Yes], the setting for
MDN Request is given priority.
[DSN Request] Select whether to request for a DSN to the recipient machine when sending
a fax.
[MDN Response] Select whether to respond to an MDN request from the recipient machine
when receiving a fax.
[MDN/DSN Response
Monitoring Time]
Specify whether to monitor DSN and MDN responses. To monitor them, en-
ter the number of hours.
[Maximum Resolution] Sel ect the maximum resolution of the machine.
Item Description
[Add ContentType Infor-
Specify whether to add Content-Type information to an Internet fax when
sending it.
If [Yes] is selected, "application=faxbw" is added to the Content-Type header
of MIME as a sub type.