bizhub C360/C280/C220 12-2
12.1 Cannot send faxes 12
12 Troubleshooting for fax and scanning problems
This chapter provides solutions for some problems you encounter while using fax and scanning functions. If
you encounter a problem which is not listed in this chapter or difficult to solve, please contact your service

12.1 Cannot send faxes

When a fax cannot be sent, try to correct problems by referring to the table below. If the fax still cannot be
sent properly even after attempting to correct the problem, please contact your service representative.
If you ar e unable to send a fax, th e TX Res ult Rep ort is output. For details, refer to page 8-12. (When printing
the TX Result Report is enabled)
For details on error messages, Refer to page12-6.
For problems such as jamming of originals, paper jams, poor image quality or exhausted toner, refer to the
[User's Guide Copy Operations]

12.1.1 G3 Fax

Check points Corrective Actions
Was the transmission
procedure carried out
Check the transmission procedure and then resend the fax.
Is the recipient's fax
number correct? Were
the address book desti-
nation and program des-
tination registered
There may be an error in registering the fax number when address book des-
tination and program destination are used.
Print the list of address book destinations to check that the numbers are reg-
istered correctly.
Correct if an error is found.
Is the telephone line set-
ting correct?
Does the setting in [Dialing Method] in the Utility mode match the telephone
line being used? Check the setting and correct it if an error is found.
Is the telephone line cor-
rectly connected?
Is the telephone line disconnected?
Check the telephone cord for connection and, if unplugged, plug it securely.
Is there a problem with
the receiving machine?
Is the power of the receiving facsimile turned off, is it out of paper or is there
another problem?
Call the recipient to determine whether there is a problem.
Was a correct password
Check the recipient's password and then resend the fax using a correct
Was the sender's fax
number correctly regis-
tered with "Check Dest.
& Send"?
Check that the fax number registered with the recipient is correct. Or, send
a fax with Check Dest. & Send set to [No].