bizhub C360/C280/C220 13-5
13.3 Scanner Glossary 13
13.3 Scanner GlossaryTerm Description
A set of specifications under the Ethernet standards. Those cables that consist of
twisted copper wire pairs are used. The transmission speed of 10Base-T is 10
Mbps, of 100Base-TX is 100 Mbps, and of 1000Base-T is 1000 Mbps.
Active Directory A network service provided by Microsoft. Active Directory can centrally manage
all types of information including servers, clients, printers and other hardware re-
sources, as well as properties and access permissions of users on the network.
Adobe® Flash®Software or its file format developed by Adobe Systems Inc. (formerly by Macro-
media, Inc.), used to create a content by compiling vector-graphic animations
and sounds. The software allows handling interactive contents using keyboard or
mouse. The files can be kept relatively compact and accessed from a Web
browser with dedicated plug-in software.
Anonymous FTP While normal FTP sites are protected by an account name and password, this
type of FTP site can be used by anyone without a password by simply entering
anonymous as the account name.
APOP The acronym for Authenticated Post Office Protocol. While usual POP doe s not
encrypt the password used for receiving an E-mail, APOP encrypts the password.
This authentication method helps enhance the E-mail security.
AppleTalk The generic name for the protocol suite developed by Apple Computer for com-
puter networking.
Auto IP A function to obtain an IP address automatically. If one fails to get an IP address
via DHCP, the auto IP gets an IP address from the space of "".
bit The abbreviation for binary digit. The smallest unit of information (data quantity)
handled by a computer or printer. A bit uses only a 0 or a 1 to indicate data.
BMP The abbreviation for bitmap. This is a file format for saving image data. (The file
extension is ".bmp"). Commonly used on Windows platforms. BMP covers the
color depth from monochrome (2 values) to full color (16,777,216 colors). BMP
images are not suitable for compressed storage.
Bonjour A Macintosh network technology, automatically detecting a device connected to
the network for automatic configuration. Previously called "Rendezvous", and
has been changed to "Bonjour" since Mac OS X v10.4.
Byte A byte indicates a unit of information (data quantity) handled by a computer or
printer. A byte consists of eight bits.
Client A computer using services provided by servers via the network.
Compact PDF A compression method for minimizing the data size using the PDF format, used
for digitalizing color documents.
Compact PDF allows high compression performance by identifying the text and
image regions, and applying the resolution and compression method optimized
for each region.
The compact PDF method can be selected in this machine when using the scan-
ning function to digitalize documents.
Contrast The difference in intensity between the light and dark parts of the image
(light/dark variation). "Low contrast" indicates an image with little light/dark vari-
ation, while "High contrast" an image with large light/dark variation.
CSV The acronym for Comma Separated Values, which is one of the format s used for
saving database or spreadsheet data as a text file. (The file extension is ".csv".)
Data can be shared among different applications by being separated by commas
(as the delimiter).
Default An initial setting. The settings selected in advance and enabled when the machine
is turned on, or the settings selected in advance and enabled when the function
is activated.
Default Gateway A device, such as a computer or router, used as a "gateway" to access comput-
ers on different LANs.
Density The amount of density of an image.