bizhub C360/C280/C220 13-8
13.3 Scanner Glossary 13
OCR The acronym for Optical Character Reader, a device or software that converts
handwritten or printed characters to text data by optically scanning them and
comparing them with previously stored patterns for identification.
OS The acronym for Operating System. This is base software used to control the sys-
tem of a computer. Windows, MacOS, or UNIX is an OS.
PASV The abbreviation for PASsiVe, a mode used to connect to an FTP server from
within a firewall. If this mode is not selected, the firewall regards the access as
unauthorized and blocks the connection, disabling any file transmission.
PDF The acronym for Portable Document Format. This is an electronically formatted
document with file extension of ".pdf". PDF is a PostScript based format, and can
be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free viewer software.
Peer-to-peer A type of network where the connected devices can be communicate with each
other without using a dedicated server.
Pixel The smallest constitutional unit of an image.
Pixel indicates an image pixel, the smallest constitutional unit of an image.
POP The acronym for Post Office Protocol. A protocol for retrieving E-mail messages
from a mail server. Currently, POP3 (the third version of POP) is most often used.
POP Before SMTP A user authentication method used when sending E-mail messages. POP Before
SMTP receives E-mail messages first, then authenticates the user using the POP
server. The IP address, passed through the user authentication by the POP serv-
er, is then permitted to use the SMTP server. This method prevents third parties
without permission to use the mail server from sending mail messages.
Port Number A number used to identify the transmission port assigned to each process run-
ning on a computer on the network. The same port cannot be used by multiple
Preview A function allowing you to view an image before being processed for printing or
Printer driver Software that works as a bridge between a computer and a printer.
Property Attribute information. When using a printer driver, variou s functions can be spec-
ified in the file properties. By using properties of a file, you can check the attribute
information about the file.
Protocol A rule enabling a computer to communicate with other computers or peripherals.
Proxy server A server that is installed to act as an intermediary co nnection between each client
and different servers to effectively ensure security over the entire system for In-
ternet connections
RAW port number A TCP port number used when the RAW protocol is selected for Windows or oth-
er TCP printing. The RAW port number is usually set to 9100.
realm (IPP setting) An area used for allowing security functions. The area is used to organize user
names, passwords and other authentication information, and define the security
policy in the area.
Referral setting
(LDAP setting)
If there is no relevant destination data found on an LDAP server, the LDAP server
itself instructs which LDAP server to be searched for the next. The referral setting
configures whether the multifunctional product is responsible for searching the
next LDAP server.
Resolution The resolution value indicates how much detail of an object can be reproduced
precisely on an image or a print matter.
S/MIME The acronym for Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions,
which is a protocol used to add encryption, digital signature, and other features
to MIME (E-mail operations).
Public key method is used for encryption, using a different key for encryption and
Samba UNIX server software which uses SMB (Server Message Block) to make UNIX
system resources available to Windows environments.
Scanning The reading of an image in scanner operation by moving aligned image sensors
step by step. The direction of moving image sensors is called the main scanning
direction, and the direction of image sensors alignment is called the sub-scan-
ning direction.
Term Description